Atilla's Musings

What to Know About Anti-Syrian Unrest in Turkey

Source:Time Magazine Date:06Jul2024

I’m not a conspiracy  theorist, but there is evidence to believe  that anti-Syrian riots were to some extent provoked:   “There is a well-organized group of people with criminal

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Hakan Fidan: Foreign Ministry redone

Source:Ragip Soylu blog Date:27Jun2024

This is a blog post from Ragip Soylu, one my favorite Turkey commentators  who produce work in English. I highly  recommend you occasionally  visit his blog site:   Earlier this year he made

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The execution of Sinan Ates: A Political Murder Reflects the Rise and Fracture of Turkey’s Far Right

Source:Newsline Magazine Date:25May2024

I’ve posted a news item on Turkey’s notorious crime lord Ayhan Bora Kaplan today, who is becoming instrumental to the proxy wars conducted between AKP-MHP. Another dimension of that

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Who is this crime lord Ayhan Bora Kaplan

Source:Arrested Lawyers Org Date:25May2024

A notorious Mafia boss, Mr Ayhan Bora Kaplan, currfenly  on trial for a serious of felonies from  murder to drug smuggling, has also become a focus of the tag-of-war between AKP and MHP.  Known

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Turkey-Iran Rivalry in the Changing Geopolitics of the South Caucasus

Source:SWP Date:24Apr2024

Dated, but a harbinger of things to come.   Turkey and Iran will also compete in Iraq, if the Peace Corridor “idea” ever turns into a well-funded project.   On the one hand, Iran

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The 2024 Turkish Elections Were a Warning for the Global Right

Source:The American Conservative Date:15Apr2024

A rare analysis of Turkey’s conservative political establishment and the meaning of 2024 local elections.   The “iron law of oligarchy,” by which decisions by a select party elite

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Time for an Armenia-Azerbaijan History Ceasefire

Source:Carnegie Date:28Feb2024

Or why peace is almost impossible in conflicts with starkly opposing narratives of the past.  Cyprus is another example of history interfering with the future   By recycling conspiracy

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As Peace Negotiations Advance, Armenia And Azerbaijan Are Going It Alone

Source:Radio Free Europe Date:09Feb2024

In their efforts to finally resolve their long-running conflict over the Nagorno-Karabakh region, can Armenia and Azerbaijan go it alone?   Now, though, with Nagorno-Karabakh back in

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The Future of U.S.-Turkish Ties: A New Relationship, Not a Reset

Source:Washington Institute Date:27Jan2024

By Soner Cagaptay. His article heralds some intriguing new developments in the bilateral relationship:   To be sure, the new Turkey still sees itself as part of the West. Yet unlike in the

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Ragip Soylu: War on Gaza: Why Turkey hasn’t severed all ties with Israel

Source:Middle East Eye Date:16Jan2024

Editor:  I try to post articles in this website that are unique or different.  That doesn’t mean I always agree with the author’s viewpoint. I’m a card carrying anti-Erdoganist,

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