Murat's Musings

World splits into three economic blocs: a deep dive into economic realignments – Australian expert

Source:Azerbaijan News Date:22May2024

Probably the best article explaining the future of global trade and development   The IMF has outlined two potential scenarios for the world economy over the next century. In a “low

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Türkiye’s Energy Engagement in Central Asia and the Caucasus

Source:FDD Date:30Mar2024

In recent years, Türkiye has significantly increased cooperation with the states of Central Asia and Azerbaijan. One of the most important geopolitical developments in recent years in Eurasia is

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Can Two Ends of Asia Meet? An Overview of Contemporary Turkey-China Relations

Source:Academia Date:28Jan2024

China’s new Silk Road policy, titled, ‘One Belt, One Road’, signals a proactive turn in China’s regional policy towards Central and West Asia. The policy has two dimensions: First, China

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Daron Acemoglu: the opportunity economist

Source:The Prospect Date:25Jan2024

    After decades of sweeping research covering technology, “democracy, dictatorship and labour laws,” Daron Acemoglu—the polymathic Turkish-American economist whom Prospect readers

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Turkey’s Confab at JPMorgan HQ Looks to Break Ice With Investors

Source:Bloomberg Date:11Jan2024

“The challenge right now is that the cost of hedging the currency risk is very high, around 40%,” said Grant Webster, a portfolio manager and co-head of emerging markets at Ninety One in London.

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Turkish car market goes into reverse as reforms start to bite

Source:Turkish auto market Date:06Jan2024

Another sign that Simsek – Erkan duo are stealthily and gradually deflating asset bubbles in the economy   Nezih Allıoğlu is deploying a strategy to sell cars at his Peugeot showroom

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Exclusive: US giants Pimco, Vanguard invest in Turkey after its return to rate hikes

Source:Reuters Date:05Jan2024

U.S. investment giants Pimco and Vanguard have bought local Turkish assets in recent months, senior executives said, betting that the country will maintain high interest rates after years of

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50th Anniversary of Turkey-China Diplomatic Ties: Expectations and Feasibility

Source:Academia Date:20Dec2023

This article focuses on contemporary Turkey-China Relations. 2021 marks the 50th anniversary of the first diplomatic relations between Turkey and China. The article examines the topic from a

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Exclusive: Turkey saves $2 billion on Russian oil as imports soar despite sanctions

Source:Reuters Date:18Dec2023

Turkey became the biggest importer of Russian energy in the Western hemisphere after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine triggered European countries to halt most imports of Russian oil and gas.

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FT: Turkey’s exports of military-linked goods to Russia soar

Source:Financial Times Date:27Nov2023

If you are wondering why US Undersecretary of Treasury Brian Nelson is visting Turkey “to discuss sanctions enforcement”   Efforts to cut off this ghost trade to Russia have been

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