CHP vows victory in Istanbul, Ankara municipal elections

Source:Hurriyet Daily News Date:27Mar2019

Just because I firmly believe the international  media treats Turkey’s oppostion poorly, enabling AKP’s efforts to silence multi-party democracy

The party leader also claimed that the voters of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) will vote for the CHP in the March 31 elections, basing his certainty on talks he held with many citizens who are disgruntled by financial troubles they blame on the AKP.

“I am coming across hundreds of citizens who have voted AKP in the past and say they will vote for us from now on. It is not possible that someone living in a palace can relate to the public’s problems,” he said, referring to President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

“How can someone who has never experienced poverty or unemployment in his life understand these problems? There are huge gaps between their lives and the public’s life. It is our duty to close these gaps, he added.