Greece to put sanctions on Turkey over Hagia Sophia conversion

Source:Greek City Times Date:11Jul2020

Greece will be putting sanctions against Turkey for its decision to convert Hagia Sophia into a mosque.

“Erdoğan made a historic mistake, a mistake that creates a gap, I hope it is not bridged,” government spokesman Stelios Petsas told SKAI earlier. Petsas emphasised that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan made a “wrong decision”.

“Greece condemns this action and will do everything in its power to have consequences for Turkey,” he said, adding that “everything is on the table and the possibility of sanctions not only from Europe but also from international organisations, such as UNESCO.”

He added that “there is no doubt that we will proceed with some form of sanctions,” without giving further details what these sanctions will entail.



The Editor  condemns the decree to convert Hagia Sophia to a mosque, but don’t see EU caring enough to sanction Turkey..