Sinem Adar: Turkey in MENA, MENA in Turkey

Source:Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik Date:20Mar2024

  • Turkey’s popularity in the MENA region has increased since the AKP’s rise to power in 2002.

  • People-to-people contacts, economic progress, and a perceived European lifestyle have contributed to Turkey’s popularity in the MENA region.

  • Turkey’s seemingly competitive political system and strong participation in elections are sources of appreciation. However, the meanings attributed to the Turkish political system have changed over time.

  • Ankara’s confrontational rhetoric on the perceived double standards of Western states and its calls for reform of the international system are welcomed.

  • Turkey’s increased popularity does not easily translate into broad regional influence.

  • Ankara’s credibility has deteriorated in the eyes of the region’s elites. Its support of Sunni Islamists in the of the Arab uprisings antagonised the region’s autocratic elites, ushering in a period of isolation between 2013 and 2020.

  • Turkey’s recent efforts to reintegrate in the region have thawed relations with Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, but incurred reputational costs vis-à-vis Sunni Islamists.

  • Authoritarian practices and rising xenophobia against Syrian refugees and other Arab citizens also constrain Turkey’s influence in the region.