A new Gaza: Turkey’s border policy in northern Syria

Source:European Council on Foreign Relations Date:29May2020

The title doesn’t do justice to this comprehensive account of Turkey’s involvement in Syria, and its real and imaginery reasons. Turkey now controls a long stretch of Syrian territory

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LAST MINUTE: Disaster in Afrin

Source:Yahoo News Date:28Apr2020

A fuel tanker exploded Tuesday in an attack on a northern Syrian town controlled by Turkish-backed opposition fighters, killing at least 40 civilians, Turkey’s Defense Ministry said. The ministry

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Turkey squeezed as US-Russia tensions rise in Syria

Source:al Monitor Date:12Apr2018

Amberin Zaman highlights the topic on which investors will increasingly focus in the coming days: How will the shift in geo-political tensions from US-China to US-Russia axis affect

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Russia sees benefit of nudging Turkey on to Manbij in Syria

Source:al Monitor Date:11Apr2018

Military affairs analyst Mr Metin Gurcan: I believe Moscow has indirectly encouraged Ankara to advance toward Manbij by influencing Turkey’s strategic decision-making process. Northern Syria is

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Erdogan menaces Afrin as YPG digs in

Source:al Monitor Date:13Mar2018

Amberin Zaman writes about Afrin, but answers a more important question:  Have US and Turkey reached a deal on the fate Afrin?

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Turkish efforts in Afrin, Idlib will allow Syrians to return home

Source:Daily Sabah Date:09Feb2018

A very critical speech by Erdogan, which found insufficient coverage:   “What is behind the Afrin operation? We will solve the Afrin issue, the Idlib issue and we want that our refugee

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Syria peace deal threatened as Iran and Turkey clash in Idlib

Source:Arab News Date:07Feb2018

In a very alarming development, Arab news sources  report that Turkish  military and pro-regime forces or militia are exchanging  artillery fire in the south of deconfliction  zone Idlib. Rouhani

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Risk of Conflict in Northern Syria Between U.S., Turkey Rising

Source:Bloomberg Date:03Feb2018

The current standoff is probably the most serious. Relations are “teetering on the brink of a precipice,” and direct military conflict is a real possibility, according to Anthony Skinner, a

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Strategic Syrian peak slips through Turkey’s fingers

Source:al Monitor Date:30Jan2018

What is the truth about Operation Olive Branch?  Journalist and researcher Mrs Amberin Zaman presents an alternative view of the Afrin Campaign, widely embraced by a vast majority of Tukrs and

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Turkey’s Afrin Offensive can pitch Ankara against both Washington and Moscow

Source:Institute for Defense Studies and Analysis Date:25Jan2018

According to some Turkish analysts, the planned offensive is linked to domestic politics as the AKP is approaching a crucial election year. Many feel that Erdoğan is preparing to call for early

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