Ruling party rebel Babacan could end Erdoğan’s government

Source:Ahval News Date:01Dec2019

The website adminstrator doesn’t agree with Mr Babahan’s view of CHP, but the article is a good read anyhow:   It is vital for conservatives, secular Alevis, Kurds and Turks who

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Erdoğan’s calamitous Syrian blunder has finally broken his spell over Turkey

Source:The Guardian Date:16Oct2019

Simon Tisdall:   As Erdoğan’s excesses and failures mount, loyalty to him is weakening. High-profile AKP defectors include not only Babacan and Davutoğlu, who plan new political parties, but

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In Turkey, demography is a brake on Islamisation

Source:the Economist Date:02Jul2019

The Economist article verifes numerous research on declicing  religiousity in Turkey. It also explains why AKP’s share of the youth vote may have dropped to as low as 20%.   Efforts to

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Postcards from Turkey’s election


Two articles, one from the Independent, the other from the Atlantic explain the surreal campaign and rising poverty in Turkey at the eve of a municipal election the AKP-MHP alliance turned into a

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As economy sours, Erdogan’s party could lose grip on big cities in local polls

Source:Reuters Date:17Jan2019

Two party sources told Reuters that two of its internal polls showed support for the AKP had fallen to 32-35 percent, before accounting for the 30 percent of voters still undecided. In 2014 local

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AKP voters increasingly unhappy with Turkish economy

Source:Ahval News Date:16Jan2019

Even supporters of the AKP and its far-right Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) allies are unhappy with the economic outlook ahead of local elections on March 31. Pollster Istanbul Ekonomi

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AKP to suffer greatest loss in Turkey’s 2019 local elections, says pollster

Source:Ahval News Date:21Oct2018

Turkey’s leading Justice and Development Party (AKP) will continue to lose voters to ally far-right nationalist Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) and the main opposition Republican People’s Party

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Turkey’s New Regime And Its Neoliberal Foundations

Source:Social Europe Date:27Jul2018

The economy is overheated; it’s no longer possible to sustain growth through credit pumping. It seems the Turkish economy is on verge of another crisis. Hence, once praised as a model to other

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Turkey’s Revolution Continues

Source:New York Times Date:29Jun2018

Mustafa Akyol’s analysis of Turkey’s Islamists is controversial, but thought-inspiring:   This sense of world historical importance distorts how conservatives are able to see the

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Three Scenarios for Turkey’s Elections

Source:Carnegie Europe Date:07Jun2018

Overall, from a foreign observer’s standpoint, Turkey’s forthcoming elections may be biased in favor of the ruling parties. But for the first time in a long while, opposition parties have a shot

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