Assad Is Close to Victory But New Conflicts Are Bubbling Up in Syria

Source:Bloomberg Date:28Jan2019

The text belies the title. The Syrian War is not over. Assad is not winning.  This is what I wrote in my Weekly Report:   Turkey has not lost the war. It is now seen as a coveted asset by

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Russia Presses Europe to Break With Trump and Help Rebuild Syria

Source:Bloomberg Date:12Oct2018

There’s little prospect of a deal with the U.S., which is now vowing to keep troops in Syria until Iran withdraws, Vitaly Naumkin said in an interview. Russia is instead focused on efforts to

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Ankara, Moscow Intensify Diplomatic Efforts as Battle Brews in Syria

Source:Voice of America Date:25Aug2018

And the Idlib question comes to a head:   Syrian government forces are steadily building up their forces around Idlib, with helicopters reportedly dropping leaflets warning of an imminent

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For the Syrian regime, Idlib is crucial to taking back control of the country – and even Ankara won’t be able to stop it

Source:The National Date:08Aug2018

Idlib province stretches from the outskirts of Aleppo to the mountains of Latakia. The main Damascus to Aleppo highway passes for 100km through it. Re-opening that road was one of the major,

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Syria peace deal threatened as Iran and Turkey clash in Idlib

Source:Arab News Date:07Feb2018

In a very alarming development, Arab news sources  report that Turkish  military and pro-regime forces or militia are exchanging  artillery fire in the south of deconfliction  zone Idlib. Rouhani

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Turkey and Syria engage in a war of words as Erdogan and Assad call each other “terrorists”

Source:South China Morning Post Date:28Dec2017

It amazes me to find many well-informed pundits claiming that Erdogan has changed Syria policy in the direction of recognizing Assad’s legitimacy.  Turkey has not conceded defeat in Syria.

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Sochi summit expected to tackle Turkey’s enmity toward Syrian Kurdish militia

Source:XinhuaNet Date:22Nov2017

I don’t expect Sochi summit to yield any definitive result for a post-ISIS Syria settlement. The parties have vast differences of opinion.   Erdogan flew to Sochi to gain approval to remove

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Turkey’s Incursion Into Syria: Making Things Better or Worse?

Source:Council on Foreign Relations Date:04Oct2017

Famous Middle East expert Steven A. Cook explores why Turkey is about to move into the chaotic   Syrian  rebel province of Idlip and the consequences of  its failure to pacify it. Best article on

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