The View from Syria’s Peace Talks

Source:Foreign Policy in Focus Date:14Sep2019

A detailed review and assessment of chances of success for Astana Process:   The Syrian conflict remains massively complex. It combines a despotic, authoritarian regime, Islamic

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Turkish-Russian ‘strategic ties’ fail stress test on Syria’s Idlib

Source:al Monitor Date:12Sep2018

Very interesting:  Pro-AKP press rebelling against the Turko-Russian alliance:   Although Erdogan and Cavusoglu are reluctant to accuse Russia directly, preferring to do this by blasting the

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Russia sees benefit of nudging Turkey on to Manbij in Syria

Source:al Monitor Date:11Apr2018

Military affairs analyst Mr Metin Gurcan: I believe Moscow has indirectly encouraged Ankara to advance toward Manbij by influencing Turkey’s strategic decision-making process. Northern Syria is

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Turkey’s message to Tehran and Moscow

Source:The Jordan Times Date:12Jan2018

Russia, Iran and Turkey are supposed to be the guarantors of last year’s accord but Moscow and Tehran appear bent on reneging on their role to de-escalate fighting in the area, home to

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Turkey poised to enter Idlip, sets eyes on Afrin

Source:Daily SABAH Date:07Oct2017

Turkish forces are reported to be ready to enter Syrian rebel province of  Idlip as part of a multi-national peace-keeping force, but according to pro-AKP daily SABAH, Ankara intends to isolate

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Turkey deploys 80 military vehicles near Syrian border

Source:al Jazeera Date:19Sep2017

Turkey might venture into Syria a second time. Deployment comes after Russia, Turkey, and Iran agreed to send ‘de-escalation’ forces to Syria in the coming weeks.

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