Gonul Tol: America must continue to make the moral case for democracy

Source:Financial Times Date:08May2024

The Biden administration might think that de-emphasising freedoms and rights in partner countries stuch as Turkey is a price it must pay to contain Russia and defend democracy. In reality, the

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Biden Era, Russia Rifts Jolt Turkey Back Toward Ties With West

Source:Bloomberg Date:28Nov2020

After he was sworn in with sweeping executive power more than two years ago, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan made a high-stakes pivot away from the pursuit of closer ties with the West. Turkey

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Putin tests Erdogan’s over-reach

Source:Financial Times Date:29Oct2020

But resumed hostilities in Idlib look like a Russian reprisal for Turkey’s intervention in support of Azerbaijan in its conflict with Armenia over the ethnic Armenian enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh.

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Turkey’s Russia Affair

Source:TurkeyAnalyst Date:26Sep2019

An insightful analysis of what binds Putin and Erdogan.   Author Mr Kiniklioglu also cites the costs for Turkey.  Let me add another one:  Turkey at odds with the west will never overcome 

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Russia and Turkey to set up Idlib buffer zone to protect civilians

Source:The Guardian Date:18Sep2018

That is a major victory for Erdogan: The nine- to 12-mile (15-20km) zone running along the borders of the Idlib region will be safe from Syrian and Russian air force attack and will be in place

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Idlib braces for assault as Russia and Iran dismiss ceasefire calls

Source:The Guardian Date:08Sep2018

In addition to the looming human catastrophe,  Idlib offensive will crack open the budding alliance among Turkey, Russia and Iran.   At a closing press conference, Russia’s Vladimir Putin

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Erdogan Makes Some Worrying Friends

Source:Bloomberg Date:14Aug2018

It’s hard to see how Erdogan can squeeze much more from Moscow trade, given Russia’s own economic constraints. He has spoken of using national currencies rather than the dollar in Turkey’s

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Turkey squeezed as US-Russia tensions rise in Syria

Source:al Monitor Date:12Apr2018

Amberin Zaman highlights the topic on which investors will increasingly focus in the coming days: How will the shift in geo-political tensions from US-China to US-Russia axis affect

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