Haftar’s Bid to Take Tripoli Ends as Last Bastion in West Falls

Source:Bloomberg Date:06Jun2020

Well, it is a victory of sorts for Turkey   Libya’s internationally recognized government said on Friday it had taken the remaining stronghold of Khalifa Haftar in the country’s west,

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Eastern Libyan forces will impose flight ban from Libya to Turkey: spokesman

Source:Reuters Date:29Jun2019

Eastern Libyan forces loyal to commander Khalifa Haftar will ban any commercial flights from Libya to Turkey and Turkish ships from docking in the country, its spokesman Ahmed Mismari said on

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Turkey’s Islamist meddling in Libya conflict

Source:Ahval News Date:16Apr2019

A rare article explaining Turkey’s position in the escalating Libyan civil war With the civil war in Libya heating up once again, Turkey’s role there may become significantly more

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