‘Terrifying’: How a single line of computer code put thousands of innocent Turks in jail

Source:CBC News Date:22Jan2018

A heart-breaking story of how Gulenists still plot against the Turkish society and how ruthless and blind the  anit-Gulen crackdown has become. A must read for those who wish to understand the

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Turkey warned of judicial crisis over jailed journalists

Source:Financial Times Date:17Jan2018

Another round of applause goes to Mrs Pitel of FT for bringing to light just how much reputational and financial damage Turkey could suffer as a result of lower courts disobeying Constitutuional

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EU says needs concrete evidence from Turkey to deem Gulen network as terrorist

Source:Reuter's Date:01Dec2017

I don’t approve the witch-hunt on dissidents under the pretense of Gulenist crack-down, bu EU’s denial of Gulenist involvement in the aborted coup defies reality. Such statements

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EU leaders prepare for Turkey showdown

Source:Financial Times Date:16Oct2017

Turkey risks losing more than €1bn in aid linked to its bid to join the EU, as member states prepare for a showdown over their deteriorating relationship with Ankara. A summit of the union’s

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Turkey and the US face the end of a promising partnership

Source:Financial Times Date:13Oct2017

This op-ed by a former Assistant Secretary of State describes very accurately how the American establishment feels about Ankara. It is not 100% objective, because it ignores Ankara’s

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Turkey, US keep finding ways to vex each other

Source:al Monitor Date:10Oct2017

This article explains  why it will not be easy to resolve the visa rift between Washington and Ankara.  Essentially,  the ongoing detentions of US Embassy personnel could be part of a broader

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How to reset Turkey-Europe Relations

Source:European Council on Foreign Relations Date:05Oct2017

This op-ed by presidential advisor and spokesperson Mr. Ibrahim Kalin on how to reset EU-Turkey relations is sufficient proof that the rest will never happen, because Turkey fails to see the 

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US ‘Deeply Concerned’ by Arrest of Consulate Employee in Turkey

Source:Voice of America Date:05Oct2017

Turkish authorities launched yet another nationwide today, as reported by Anatolian Agency, which by my account spread to four cities by evening hours.   In the morning hours, police and spy

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Chancellor Angela Merkel weighs tougher approach to Turkey after arrests

Source:Deutsche Welle Date:02Sep2017

For those who claim Turko-German relations would  improve after the German elections. They will get worse.

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Turkey’s Attempted Coup: Why the Regime Plays Dumb over the West’s Lack of Support

Source:Washington Hattı Date:18Aug2017

An important study explaining why USA and EU turn their back to Ankara’s pleas to extradite Gulen and his minions. While I agree with the gist of the argument, the author fails to explain

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