A message to the international community

Source:Ahval News Date:28Feb2021

  Member of the Parliament and human rights defender Mr Ömer Garuk Gergerlioğlu explains his persecution.  It is an honor for the Editor to share this letter…   A huge legal

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Turkey’s top court rules opposition leader Demirtas’s jailing unconstitutional

Source:Middle East Eye Date:20Jun2020

Turkey’s highest court has ruled that the imprisonment of former People’s Democracy Party (HDP) co-leader Selahattin Demirtas is unconstitutional and has ordered compensation to be

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Turkey Strips 3 Legislators of Seats, Setting Off Protest

Source:New York Times Date:07Jun2020

The legislators are Enis Berberoglu of the main opposition Republican People’s Party, or CHP, who went on trial on espionage charges for allegedly leaking to an opposition newspaper images that

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Assessing the Fatalities in Turkey’s PKK Conflict

Source:International Crisis Group Date:23Nov2019

This report by International Crisi Group answeers the question of who is winnig the war against PKK.  The answer is not clear-cut.  But the damage to Kurds loyalty to the Republic of Turkey is

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Turkey Opposition Leader Attacked by Mob at Soldier’s Funeral

Source:Bloomberg Date:21Apr2019

Turkey has became slave to a culture  of violence and  ignorance.    Congratulations, AKP.   Kilicdaroglu, chairman of the Republican People’s Party, or CHP, was punched and kicked at the

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Why Turkey’s PKK Conflict Looms Larger than Ever in Local Election Aftermath

Source:Foreign Policy Research Institute Date:10Apr2019

Faced with a sweeping political rebuke, however, Erdogan’s party has found a silver lining in Turkey’s majority Kurdish southeast. There, it has touted unexpected victories as evidence that the

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Erdogan accuses US, Europe of ‘meddling’ after Turkey vote


There would be a calamity  of Biblical proportions, if  Erdogan pressures election authorities to cancel or renew elections.   While all of AKP’s appeals are heard, how about pro-Kurdish

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Turkey’s Kurds are sacrificing election wins but to what end?

Source:Arab Weekly Date:03Feb2019

Still, given that the race is neck and neck in the big cities and in western Turkey, the opposition is anxious to attract HDP voters. If the main, so-called greater municipalities are won by

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HDP set to take more districts in March vote

Source:Ahval News Date:02Jan2019

Amidst the paucity of national polls, we report what we can   According to a survey Rawest, a polling firm that focuses on Turkey’s east and southeast, conducted before the announcement of

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What’s behind nationalist gains in Turkey’s Kurdish regions?

Source:al Monitor Date:07Jul2018

The second factor could be the influence of the security bureaucracy and the so-called village guards — government-armed Kurds helping the security forces — “in terms of relocating ballot

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