Marc Pierini: Turkey at 100

Source:Carnegie Date:24Oct2023

Pierini nails it on the nose:   Ultimately, Turkey at 100 faces the challenge of making its domestic and foreign ambitions compatible with its structural economic constraints and its massive

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The High Cost of An Unpredictable Turkey

Source:Carnegie International Date:18Oct2021

A masterful analysis of Turkey’s politcial-diplomatic challenges aide from the debate about which side will win next elections. I may not agree with Marc Pierini on several of his points,

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How Far Can Turkey Challenge NATO and the EU in 2020?

Source:Carnegie Europe Date:31Jan2020

Marc Pierini gives a tour-de-force of the new face of Turkish diplomacy and the challenges it presents to NATO and EU.  Yet, he is wrong on one point. Erdogan’s agressive diplomatic posture

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Turkey’s Presidential Regime Rests on Zero Rule of Law

Source:Carnegie Europe Date:27Aug2019

By Marc Pierini:  Hardly any area of public life is not in his hands. It would seem that Turkey’s one-man-rule system knows no limits despite its economic cost, dissent within the ruling Justice

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Options for the EU-Turkey Relationship

Source:Carnegie Europe Date:05May2019

As usual, an excellent assessment of  Turkey-EU relations by Marc Pierini which manages to encompass Turkey’s  economic and democratic dilemmas in the process:   This is the paragraph

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Turkxit Time?

Source:Carnegie Europe Date:03Apr2019

This is a somber and multi-dimensional analysis of S-400 strife between Turkey and US/NATO.  It is a must read for anyone who needs to guess the end game.   Turkey will refuse deliver of S-400s,

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Turkey and the West: What to Expect in 2019?

Source:Carnegie Europe Date:26Jan2019

In Washington, many voices are questioning the solidity of Turkey’s Western affiliation. The massive financial scheme to help Iran circumvent U.S. sanctions against Iran, known as the Zarrab

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Turkey’s All-Out Diplomacy

Source:Carnegie Europe Date:24Oct2018

Marc Pierini calls the spade a spade, by reminding Ankara that foreign policy successes will not substitue for sound economic management:   The first is that Turkey’s economy is on a cliff

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A Sea Change for Turkey in Europe

Source:Carnegie Europe Date:22Jan2018

Proliferating policy disagreemtns, led by Syria compelled Ankara to seek ways to mend its broken relationship with EU. While hig-levle state visits look good “optically”, former

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Macron suggests ‘partnership’ with EU for Turkey, not membership

Source:FRANCE24 Date:06Jan2018

French President Macron tries to re-anchor Turkey ot EU, can he succeed?  This comment by Erdogan reveals how hard it will be:  Erdogan responded that some “columnists and opinion leaders

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