Erdogan envisions alliance of Turkic-speaking states

Source:al Monitor Date:19Nov2021

The platform provides the leaders with an opportunity to use their partnership for political consumption at home as well as to gain some independence from the great power struggle of global

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Geopolitical rivalry in Caucasus gets militarized

Source:al Monitor Date:10Oct2021

The military rapprochement between Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey, coupled with growing military ties between Azerbaijan and Israel, seems to be ringing the alarm bells in Iran. Last week Tehran

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Turkish mobster claims AKP supporters secretly armed after putsch

Source:al Monitor Date:17Jul2021

Commenting on Peker’s allegations, Mehmet Tum, a former legislator for the main opposition Republican People’s Party who frequently brought up the issue in parliament, pointed to a staggering

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Meeting with Biden looms as critical test for Erdogan

Source:al Monitor Date:05Jun2021

To break the ice with Biden, the strongest card Erdogan could play is to promote Turkey as the best regional partner in US efforts to contain Russia and Iran. Though this card has somewhat

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Ankara in risky geopolitical gamble in Black Sea

Source:al Monitor Date:16Apr2021

Ankara seems to believe that the US quest for lasting military presence in the Black Sea region gives it leverage to use the Montreux Convention as a bargaining chip in the transactional

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Turkey approaches point of no return on employing Russian air defense system

Source:al Monitor Date:20Oct2020

Military Affairs Strategist Mr Metin Gurcan explains the reasoning behind the S-400  tests:   All in all, none of the four arguments can be dismissed, and all of those factors seem to have

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Turkey’s S-400 delay is about more than just the economy and COVID-19

Source:al Monitor Date:25Apr2020

Yet Turkey’s desperate need for hard currency to salvage its pandemic-hit economy is not the only factor at play. The delay is driven by at least three other factors: namely, Ankara’s shifting

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Turkish government divided over lockdown proposals

Source:al Monitor Date:27Mar2020

A report by ever-reliable militayr affairs  expert Mr Metin Gurcan, which suggests up to 100K deaths from Covid-19   Turkey’s steep upward curve in new COVID-19 infections is leading

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Will Libya become Turkey’s next Syria?

Source:al Monitor Date:17Dec2019

The question now is how serious Ankara is about militarizing the Mediterranean situation and possibly escalating to military confrontation. According to two security experts and one energy expert

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What recent purges, promotions mean for Turkey’s military

Source:al Monitor Date:18Aug2019

Contrary to conventional wisdom, it can be argued that the TSK has not become a pro-Erdogan institution. At the moment, civilian-military relations can best be described as resting on the

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