Expect Turkish business world to embrace former economy czar’s new party

Source:al Monitor Date:12Aug2019

Erdogan appears alarmed and already on the offensive. He has accused Babacan of “fracturing the ummah” and threatened that “those who commit treason will pay the price.” Despite the threats,

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New parties forming in Turkey: Babacan versus Davutoğlu

Source:Ahval News Date:02May2019

Reports suggest two former senior figures in Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) are attempting to form new parties. Ahmet Davutoğlu, a former prime minister under President Recep

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The power struggle in Turkey is far from over

Source:Ahval News Date:12Mar2019

More voices are heard in pro-government media raising alarm on what they see as an “Eurasianist siege” of Erdogan and his palace. This is in reference to a large-scale, hard-line, partly

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