Is Trump Really Headed to War With Iran? Here is What Experts Think

Source:National Interest Date:26Jun2019

Comprehensive commentary on US-Iran conflict.  Consensus among panelists:  Expet further escalation.     This problem is made more dangerous because America’s interests and red lines

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As Trump moves to cut off Iran’s oil revenues, what’s his endgame?

Source:Brookings Institute Date:23Apr2019

Concerned that Tehran could snatch victory from the jaws of an American bludgeon simply by holding on, the Trump administration is now aiming to deal a death blow. Will it succeed? As with all

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Turkey to be hard hit by U.S. sanctions against Iran: analysts Date:15May2018

Trump’s hawkish stance  on Iran is likely to complicate trade, finance and  relations with US.   Noting the sanctions will cover all of Iran’s state and financial institutions,

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