David Gardner: History may finally come knocking for Erdogan

Source:Financial Times Date:10Feb2022

The question, then, is whether the opposition can unify behind a viable candidate and set off an electoral wave he will not be able to resist. Many political analysts believe it can. “We are at

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Opinion: What’s wrong with Turkey’s economy? ‘Erdoganomics.’

Source:Washington Post Date:24Dec2021

Great article by rising star Turkey expert, Ms Asli Aydintasbas. I highly recommend reading her insightfull commentary to get the “real turkey”. “Erdoganomics” is a new and evolving

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Turkish mobster claims AKP supporters secretly armed after putsch

Source:al Monitor Date:17Jul2021

Commenting on Peker’s allegations, Mehmet Tum, a former legislator for the main opposition Republican People’s Party who frequently brought up the issue in parliament, pointed to a staggering

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Erdogan rejects Turkish minister’s resignation after coronavirus lockdown criticism

Source:Reuters Date:13Apr2020

Interior Minister Soylu resigned, but bounced back to his job after a pardon by President Erdogan.  This is Turkey’s version of public officials taking responsibility for screw-ups.  

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Why Erdogan is unhappy with return of nationalist student oath

Source:al Monitor Date:09Nov2018

I’m not fully satisfied with her answers, but Ms Tremblay explains one of the truly  exotic Turkish disputes over the pledge allegiance:     A senior AKP official from the

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Will Erdogan’s power take hit after losing his biggest political ally?

Source:Middle East Eye Date:25Oct2018

Doesn’t answer the question, but good background on AKP-MHP alliance   Turkish president’s AK Party has lost its ultranationalist ally, the MHP, amid disputes ahead of upcoming local

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Will Iran, Turkey jointly confront US influence east of the Euphrates?

Source:al Monitor Date:06Oct2018

As such, the latest phase of Iran’s policy in Syria is premised on Turkey’s shrinking choices in the north of the war-torn country. Ankara’s fears of mounting Kurdish power in SDF-held areas are

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Turkey faces tough choices on the US, Syria and EU

Source:Financial Times Date:03Oct2018

But as Mr Erdogan juggles his geopolitical (and economic) options, his one-man rule is getting rickety. The almighty president has rid himself of everybody who might know which levers to pull:

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The Myth of Authoritarian Competence

Source:the Atlantic Date:25Sep2018

An in-depth study of one-man regimes and how Turkey’s brought economic and democratic ruin:   For nearly six months, one of the world’s top economies has been gripped by crisis,

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Turkey Masses Troops on Syrian Border, Braces for Refugees

Source:Bloomberg Date:10Sep2018

Russia is trying to secure a green light from Erdogan because it understands that staging an assault on Idlib in the face of Turkish opposition risks pitting Russia and Iran against the U.S. and

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