Authoritarian Leaders Are Weaker Than They Look, Thanks to Covid

Source:Bloomberg Date:17Nov2021

More threatening to Erdogan’s hold on power is that poorer Turks, the bedrock of his political support, were hit hardest during the pandemic. “Turks were left on their own,” and their

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Russia open to return of occupied Azeri land by Armenia

Source:Financial Times Date:30Oct2020

A surprising but realistic move by Putin “It should be said that our position is absolutely open with regard to the possibility of handing over these five plus two [surrounding] districts to

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Turkey faces tough choices on the US, Syria and EU

Source:Financial Times Date:03Oct2018

But as Mr Erdogan juggles his geopolitical (and economic) options, his one-man rule is getting rickety. The almighty president has rid himself of everybody who might know which levers to pull:

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Sochi summit expected to tackle Turkey’s enmity toward Syrian Kurdish militia

Source:XinhuaNet Date:22Nov2017

I don’t expect Sochi summit to yield any definitive result for a post-ISIS Syria settlement. The parties have vast differences of opinion.   Erdogan flew to Sochi to gain approval to remove

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Cardin: Turkey’s Purchase of Russian missile system may trigger sanctions

Source:Politico Date:15Sep2017

Turkey’s recent purchase of an advanced Russian anti-air weapons system may have violated a U.S. law that would require an automatic imposition of sanctions on the NATO member, a top Democratic

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Erdoğan outgunned at Trump meeting in face of US-Russian united front

Source:The Guardian Date:17May2017

As we expected, after a historically brief 23 minute summit with President Trump, Erdogan returns empty handed from the U.S. This article explains why.

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