Can Turkey shield Qatar from multifaceted woes?

Source:Daily Pakistan Date:10Aug2017

The tiny gas rich state depends on expatriate manpower and imports to meet 90% of daily needs. Turkish military support may thwart any misadventurism in Doha’s power corridors but can it help

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Race to the sea: Qatar and the balance of power in the Middle East

Source:Open Democracy Date:02Aug2017

How will the Qatari Crisis end? What are regional ramifications?  The likely winners are Iran and Russia.

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Turkey’s Erdogan Ends Tour With No SIgn of Qatar Progress

Source:Newsweek Date:26Jul2017

Turkey’s President Tayyip Erdogan left Qatar on Monday after two days in the Gulf trying to mediate in the worst row among Arab states for years but there was no sign he had made any progress.

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Qatar: How Much Will Blockading Countries Push?

Source:STRATFOR Date:22Jul2017

Turkey won’t be able to bring about a resolution to the current crisis, but Erdogan’s visit helps reinforce that Qatar has powerful allies backing it up, another factor that will

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The Muslim Brotherhood Is the Root of the Qatar Crisis

Source:The Atlantic Date:02Jul2017

The Qatari Crisis now officially involves Turkey, as one of the demands   of the opposing Quartet is the withdrawal of Turkish troops. The deadline is Monday. What will Qatar do?

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Turkey’s military presence may complicate Qatar solution

Source:RFI Date:09Jun2017

Ankara stepped in at Qatar’s side in the Gulf dispute, while pro-AKP press contends that   if Qatar capitulates,  Turkey will be next in line to come under pressure.

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Gulf crisis: Can Turkey save Qatar?

Source:Middle East Eye Date:05Jun2017

Turkey’s attempt to become a Middle Eastern power and replenish its waning economic strength by drawing in Arab investment was dealt another blow as several Arab countries led by Saudi Arabia

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