U.S. Lawmakers Move to Punish Turkey for Buying Russian Missile System

Source:Foreign Policy Date:11Dec2019

One congressional staffer indicated that if the president does not soon impose sanctions, Congress may act unilaterally. “If the Administration doesn’t do something soon on CAATSA, Congress will

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Powerful Senate chairman moves toward sanctions crackdown on Turkey as talks over weapons purchase falter

Source:CNN Date:07Dec2019

Before the week was out, however — and after Risch had briefed a group of reporters about the meeting and his decision — it had become clear that Erdoğan would not change course. On

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Turkey preparing for possible U.S. sanctions over S-400s: minister

Source:Reuters Date:23May2019

Turkey’s defense minister said it was preparing for potential U.S. sanctions over its purchase of Russian S-400 missile defense systems, even while he said there was some improvement in talks

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Is Erdogan’s trust in Trump in the S-400/F-35 standoff misplaced?

Source:al Monitor Date:12May2019

The bottom line is that Turkey wants the S-400 and the F-35 and is seeking a formula that will enable it to have its cake and eat it too. The only means it has in its arsenal to try to achieve

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As Turkey drifts away from the US, will Russia give it what it wants?

Source:al Monitor Date:19Apr2019

If NATO were to shut down the Kurecik radar, Ankara could be left with no choice but to turn to Russia for a matching radar system, seeing as it does not have the capability to produce this

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Turkey is soon due to take delivery of its Russian missiles

Source:the Economist Date:16Mar2019

You have been warned–by the Economist:   There is speculation in Ankara that Mr Erdogan may try to sidestep the crisis by offering to keep the Russian weapons in storage, or by

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U.S. Open to Russia Nuclear Treaty as It Warns Turkey on Arms

Source:Bloomberg Date:13Feb2019

Hutchison also warned Turkey, a NATO member, against entering a proposed arms deal with Russia that has been straining relations within the alliance. Turkey finalized plans to buy the Russian

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Congress cuts deal on Middle East aid package

Source:al Monitor Date:26Jan2019

The previous bill would have implemented visa bans on Turkish officials involved in the detention of US citizens while banning the transfer of F-35 aircraft to Ankara if it moves ahead with

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Turkey and the West: What to Expect in 2019?

Source:Carnegie Europe Date:26Jan2019

In Washington, many voices are questioning the solidity of Turkey’s Western affiliation. The massive financial scheme to help Iran circumvent U.S. sanctions against Iran, known as the Zarrab

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The Case for Reshaping U.S.-Turkey Relations

Source:Council on Foreign Relations Date:17Nov2018

The divergence between these two NATO allies reflects the changes in international politics since the end of the Cold War nearly a generation ago. Absent the common threat posed by the Soviet

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