Turkey’s Sinjar strikes carry stern messages to Tehran, Baghdad

Source:al Monitor Date:23Aug2021

Turkey’s back-to-back air raids in Iraq’s Yazidi region of Sinjar this week resonate as stern messages to Tehran and Baghdad as the Turkish-Iranian rivalry appears to escalate on Iraqi territory,

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Turkish-Iranian rivalry heats up over Mosul

Source:al Monitor Date:27Feb2021

Earlier this week, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif was quoted as saying that Tehran “reject[s] the Turkish military presence in Syria and Iraq and consider[s] Ankara’s

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The Iraq Report: Turkey threatens to invade Iraq

Source:The New Arab Date:31Mar2018

This report explains Turkey-Baghdat relations,  PKK’s recent moves, Iraiq Kurds and the War on ISIS.  Very good background and analysis:   Although Turkish-Iraqi relations have

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‘Turkey Shield’ to purge region of terrorist organizations

Source:Yeni Safak Date:20Oct2017

Yeni Safak, a pro-AKP daily details Turkish Military’s plans to stop PKK and PYD-YPG  in Iraq and Syria. It promises heavy clashes and years of involvement in the Southern neighbors.

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Turkey fumes as Sinjar Yazidis declare ‘democratic autonomy’

Source:al Monitor Date:22Aug2017

This development confirms the intel that most of Sincar (Shengal)  is now effectively under PKK control, adding to Ankara’s concern that it is being encircled by the proxies of the terror

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Iranian-backed militias reach IRAQ-SYRIA border

Source:Jerusalem Post Date:30May2017

This article highlights the biggest regional fear of the Turkish government:  the Shia crescent to the South. Hasdhi Shabi is dashing to actualize it.

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Iraq’s Sinjar heats up again as PMU closes in

Source:al Monitor Date:26May2017

The moment of reckoning approaches for Turkey in Iraq and Syria, as PKK sets roots in Sincar, as clashes continue in Afrin. Trump and Erdogan agreed to disagree on the question of Syrian Kurds,

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