Turkey and the new scramble for Africa: Ottoman designs or unfounded fears?

Source:Brookings blog Date:14Jun2019

What are the objectives of Turkey’s Afrian outreach?  This article argues even Erdogan may not be sure of the answer:   A right-sized assessment of Turkish ambitions and its influence

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Turkey, Qatar risk losing regional geopolitical influence

Source:The Daily Star Date:25May2019

Turkey and Qatar risk losing geopolitical influence due to turmoil in Libya and Sudan, as regional rivals Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates extend their own reach. Doha, a long-time ally

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Turkey plays catch-up with militarization in Red Sea

Source:al Monitor Date:24Jan2018

Turkey’s Suakin Island venture:  Turkey and Qatar are linked by their support of the Muslim Brotherhood, while countries such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the UAE are staunchly opposed to the

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