Turkey’s Leader Warns Greece Its Missiles Can Hit Athens

Source:Bloomberg Date:12Dec2022

“You say ‘Tayfun’ and they’re scared, they say it’ll hit Athens,” Erdogan said. “Yeah, of course it’ll hit it. If you don’t stay calm — if you try to send weapons you got from the US to the

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What Biden Should Make of Erdogan’s Bluster

Source:Washington Post Date:15Oct2022

Greece is another matter, however. The last time Erdogan rattled a sabre in the direction of Athens was in 2020, when Turkish and Greek naval vessels squared off in the Eastern Med. After

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Tension rises as Turkey, Greece voice festering grievances

Source:Washington Post Date:07Sep2022

Erdogan has previously said Turkish forces can “come all of a sudden one night” when threatening military action against Kurdish militants in Syria and Iraq. Turkey has conducted several military

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Tensions rise as Turkish vessel resumes exploration in eastern Med

Source:Financial Times Date:12Oct2020

No, not again! The Turkish foreign ministry said on Monday that Athens’ “maximalist” claims about the rights bestowed by Kastellorizo were “not compatible with either international law or

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Erdogan says Turkey restarted energy exploration in east Mediterranean

Source:Yahoo News Date:08Aug2020

Tensions rising in East Med   “We have started drilling work again,” Erdogan told reporters after participating in Friday prayers at the Hagia Sophia mosque. “We

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East Mediterranean tensions flare as Turkey seeks leverage in maritime border talks

Source:al Monitor Date:25Jul2020

The dispute is the latest episode in decadeslong tensions between Greece and Turkey over maritime borders in the eastern Mediterranean, where Ankara has been pursuing controversial gas drilling

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Greece to put sanctions on Turkey over Hagia Sophia conversion

Source:Greek City Times Date:11Jul2020

Greece will be putting sanctions against Turkey for its decision to convert Hagia Sophia into a mosque. “Erdoğan made a historic mistake, a mistake that creates a gap, I hope it is not bridged,”

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Libya has outsized importance for Turkey’s Mediterranean plans

Source:al Monitor Date:06Jul2019

Another excellent analysis my military  affairs expert Metin Gurcan, the game of influence between Turkey and its rivals in the Mediterranean Sea:   Turkey’s interest in Libya is more

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Turkey-Cyprus Tensions Escalate With Naval Exercise

Source:Voice of America Date:18May2019

Former senior Turkish diplomat Aydin Selcen, suggests that beyond the harsh rhetoric, Turkey has a legitimate case and a compromise needs to be found. “There are no realistic projects in

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U.S. Lawmakers Talk Turkey to Ankara

Source:Foreign Policy Date:12Apr2019

The title not withstanding, this article is not about US-Turkey relations, but the East-Med energy chess game. Worth a read, because it dispells silly ideas like  an NG pipeline to Italy or

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