Idlib offensive tests strength of Russia-Turkey ties in Syria
Source:al Monitor Date:21May2019
Moscow is increasingly concerned and restless over Turkey’s moves in northern Syria. Russia’s active support of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s Idlib offensive indicates Moscow thinks
Kurdish Ambitions Test Turkey’s Uneasy Peace With U.S.
Source:Bloomberg Date:29Nov2018
Will Ankara dare to disrupt the fragile equilibrium in Syria before March 2019 local elections? Turkey says its military is confronting another attempt to redraw the region’s maps. It
In the small city of Manbij in Syria, we could see US and Turkish troops shooting at each other if tensions continue
Source:The Independent Date:02Mar2018
The development of a de facto Kurdish state enraged the Turks and the government in Damascus. To hold onto at least part of their gains, the Kurds need continuing US support, though Isis is