What is Turkey’s role in Tripoli political tremor?
Source:al Monitor Date:04Sep2020
The arm wrestling in Libya’s Government of National Accord (GNA), which boiled over with Prime Minister Fayez al-Sarraj’s suspension of the powerful Interior Minister Fathi Bashagha, has brought
In Stunning Reversal, Turkey Emerges as Libya Kingmaker
Source:New York Times Date:22May2020
A string of victories by Turkish-backed forces in western Libya this week dealt a heavy blow to the ambitions of the aspiring strongman Khalifa Hifter and signaled the arrival of Turkey as a
Turkey Wades into Libya’s Troubled Waters
Source:International Crisis Group Date:02May2020
Turkish intervention in Libya’s war stopped the besieged Tripoli government from collapsing. But fighting with Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar’s forces has since escalated, threatening a protracted
Besieged Airbase Shows Turkey Turning the Tide in Libya’s War
Source:Bloomberg Date:18Apr2020
Osama al-Juwaili, the general who heads the Tripoli administration’s joint operations, said in an interview the standoff would end with the departure of Haftar’s forces. If that happens, Libyan
Fighting escalates in Libya as country braces for coronavirus
Source:Financial Times Date:27Mar2020
“This is likely the beginning of a broader escalation,” said Wolfram Lacher, Libya specialist at the German Institute for International and Strategic Affairs. “Both sides have been arming
Egypt, UAE establish Libya naval commando squad to fight Turkey
Source:Middle East Monitor Date:10Mar2020
What happened to our Arab friends? How did we fall so far apart? A special naval commandos unit made of dozens of Libyan fighters has been setup with the help of the UAE to carry out
Turkey: Looking for Quagmires
Source:International Policy Digest Date:09Feb2020
On the surface, Turkish intervention in the Libyan civil war appears to be a savvy move on the Eastern Mediterranean energy chessboard, a check on plans by a consortium of the European Union
A Piece of a Greater Puzzle: The Libyan Civil War, External Influences and Regional Trends
Source:Jamestown Foundation Date:09Feb2020
Very good analytics explaining the power struggles outside Libya spilling over to its ugly civil war. Since Turkey is now a party to the war, a good primer for those who wish to catch up.
Turkey: Erdogan Seeks To Achieve Dream Of The Empire’s Rebirth
Source:Eurasia Review Date:06Feb2020
A surprisingly positive view of Turkey expanding military and diplomatic engagements in North Africa and Middle East. Furthermore, in spite of the recent agreement reached in Berlin
Turkey’s Gunboat Gambit in the Mediterranean
Source:Gatestone Institute Date:31Dec2019
This article explains Erdogan’s involvement in the Libyan civil war, as well as giving a very comprehensive acount of Turkish naval build-up. With the al-Sarraj handshake, Erdoğan is