Turkey’s Syrian refugees among hardest hit amid coronavirus pandemic

Source:al Monitor Date:28Apr2020

Civic groups, meanwhile, warn that Syrians, and all refugees in general, have been suffering from further neglect amid the pandemic. According to Can Isal, a lawyer for an Istanbul-based refugee

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The EU Will Bow to Erdogan’s Demands. Why Wait?

Source:Bloomberg Date:11Mar2020

A cynical but plausible scenario by my favrotie Bobby Gosh on the Turkey-EU refugee crisis:   Both sides know that these histrionics, while they play well to domestic audiences, will not

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Turkey’s Uighurs fear for future as China deportations rise

Source:Financial Times Date:24Aug2019

Unlike most Muslim countries, which have been silent or supportive of Beijing’s policy, Turks have rallied around the cause of the Uighurs, with whom they share a related language. The Turkish

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