A new Gaza: Turkey’s border policy in northern Syria

Source:European Council on Foreign Relations Date:29May2020

The title doesn’t do justice to this comprehensive account of Turkey’s involvement in Syria, and its real and imaginery reasons. Turkey now controls a long stretch of Syrian territory

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Israeli military says Iran is slowly pulling out of Syria

Source:Yahoo News Date:23May2020

If true, this would be very good news for Turkey’s objectives in Syria   The Israeli military described the withdrawal as “a backward movement from various locations to other locations

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Coronavirus in Syria: Bashar al-Assad warns of catastrophe if cases jump

Source:Irish Times Date:06May2020

Syrian president Bashar al-Assad has warned that the war-ravaged country could face catastrophe if coronavirus cases exceed the capabilities of the debilitated healthcare system. Arguing

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LAST MINUTE: Disaster in Afrin

Source:Yahoo News Date:28Apr2020

A fuel tanker exploded Tuesday in an attack on a northern Syrian town controlled by Turkish-backed opposition fighters, killing at least 40 civilians, Turkey’s Defense Ministry said. The ministry

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Turkey’s S-400 delay is about more than just the economy and COVID-19

Source:al Monitor Date:25Apr2020

Yet Turkey’s desperate need for hard currency to salvage its pandemic-hit economy is not the only factor at play. The delay is driven by at least three other factors: namely, Ankara’s shifting

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Russia is about to face its biggest test yet in Syria

Source:The Independent Date:16Apr2020

Robert Fisk explains how Syria’s economic woes will test Putin’s resources, bringing in the Turkish angle, too.   Turkey’s real problem, of which the Russians are acutely aware,

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Coronavirus ‘disaster in the making’ in war-torn Syria

Source:Japan Times Date:13Apr2020

This news is of crucial importance to Turkey’s corona outbreak. A new wave of infections from Idlib could lethally prolong the epidemic.   Experts accuse Damascus of minimizing its

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How To Make Turkey Great Again – OpEd

Source:Eurasian Review Date:09Apr2020

An op-ed piece by a former diplomat which is suprrisnigly symphatheitc to Turkey. It addresses all the topics that distances the  country from the Wst, clogging the domestic dynamics for

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US-Turkish Relations Could Warm; Turkey Should Pledge No Russian Arms

Source:Breaking Defense Date:09Apr2020

This guy must know what he is talking about:   Charles Wald, former deputy commander of U.S. European Command, is a distinguished fellow at the Jewish Institute for National Security of

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Exclusive – Idlib Truce and Fear of Coronavirus Spreading in Syria’s Quagmire

Source:Asharq al Awsat Date:04Apr2020

The regime, Idlib factions and the autonomous Kurdish administration, have imposed curfews in areas under their control and suspended fighting as a preventive measure against the coronavirus.

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