A path for Joe Biden to reset US relations with Turkey

Source:Financial Times Date:31Jan2021

There are many obstacles to a grand bargain between Ankara and Washington. Both sides would have to bend. Any road map would at the very least feature: a reappraisal of US support for the Syrian

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Turkey Warns West It Will Continue to Shop Around for Missiles

Source:Bloomberg Date:04Sep2020

“If you don’t want me to buy it from elsewhere, then you need to sell it,” Cavusoglu said. “If you don’t, we’ll continue to buy from elsewhere. Today, this can be the S-400. Tomorrow, there will

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Ankara makes offer to Washington to resolve Russian S-400 dispute

Source:Arab News Date:18Apr2020

Ozgur Unluhisarcikli, Ankara director of the German Marshall Fund of the United States, thinks that there is now a window of opportunity for the US and Turkey to first freeze the S-400 problem

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US-Turkish Relations Could Warm; Turkey Should Pledge No Russian Arms

Source:Breaking Defense Date:09Apr2020

This guy must know what he is talking about:   Charles Wald, former deputy commander of U.S. European Command, is a distinguished fellow at the Jewish Institute for National Security of

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Turkey’s Nationalist Course

Source:Rand Corporation Date:19Feb2020

This is the RAND Corporation report that stoked coup rumors in  Turkey     Turkey remains a polarized country Under President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, democratic and civil rights in Turkey

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How US-Turkey deal in Manbij could affect Russia’s influence

Source:al Monitor Date:24Jun2018

After seeing the Turkish military patrolling under the cover of US helicopters, the very first question to be asked was, since there’s no credible evidence of an Islamic State (IS) presence

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