What to Know About Anti-Syrian Unrest in Turkey

Source:Time Magazine Date:06Jul2024

I’m not a conspiracy  theorist, but there is evidence to believe  that anti-Syrian riots were to some extent provoked:   “There is a well-organized group of people with criminal

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Turkey’s centenary could mark the end of the Erdogan era

Source:The Economist Date:21Nov2022

The economy, as well as concerns over corruption and institutional integrity, may be Mr Erdogan’s undoing. Presidential and parliamentary elections are set for June. The opposition has not yet

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Turkey’s top court rules to keep Kurdish politician with dementia in jail

Source:al Arabiya Date:14Aug2022

Turkey’s Constitutional Court Friday decided to keep a Kurdish politician with dementia in jail, the ruling said. Aysel Tugluk, now 57, was the deputy co-chair of the pro-Kurdish Peoples’

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FT: Turkish bank regulator limits lira loans for firms holding foreign exchange

Source:Financial Times Date:25Jun2022

Virtual capital controls with very large distortive  effects.   The measure will apply to companies with foreign exchange on their books worth more than TL15mn ($890,000) that exceeds 10 per

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US Should Brace for More Pushback From Erdogan

Source:Bloomberg Date:19Jun2022

Turkey’s allies and rivals, along with Turks themselves, might want to buckle up for 12 months of turbulence. The US and Europe should brace themselves for even more mudslinging and contrariness

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Five Blunt Truths About the War in Ukraine

Source:New York Times Date:15Jun2022

Not about Turkey in Ukraine War, but proves the west may need Turkish alliance to push back Russia   First, as retired Adm. James Stavridis has proposed, the U.S. should be prepared to

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Turkey threatens new Syria incursion amid NATO debate

Source:al Monitor Date:25May2022

What’s next: Erdogan said further operational decisions will be made Thursday at a meeting of top Turkish military officials. “As soon as the Turkish armed forces complete its intelligence and

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Solution to Kavala case lies in the hands of Turkey’s judges, say PACE monitors

Source:Council of Europe Date:23May2022

“As a result of our fruitful meetings in the last few days, we have heard the legal arguments on both sides. However, it seems clear to us that evidence deemed insufficient by the Strasbourg

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Turkey dials up the pressure on banks as lira slides

Source:Financial Times Date:12May2022

In nutshell, Turkey has imposed de facto currency controls With the financial sector under strong political pressure from president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, bankers say they have little choice but

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Turkey Bond-Guarantee Plan Leaves Foreign Investors Underwhelmed

Source:Bloomberg Date:10May2022

The proposal would provide interest-free lira funding for investors to buy local bonds with a guaranteed 4% return in dollar terms, though discussions are ongoing and details could still change,

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