Türkiye in the Emerging World Order

Source:Carnegie Date:01Nov2023

In September 2022, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan mooted the possibility that Türkiye might join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, a defense bloc led by China.1 A few days later, he

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Turkish Interventionism: Calculated Chaos to Consolidate Control

Source:Harvard Review Date:24Oct2023

I don’t necessarily agree with the conclusions but expansive review of Turkish foreign policy and her objectives.   When discussing major powers within international politics, Türkiye

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2023’s most important election: Turkey

Source:Politico Date:17Apr2023

It falls 100 years after the foundation of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’s secular republic and, if Erdoğan wins, he will be empowered to put even more of his stamp on the trajectory of a geostrategic

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Fehim Taştekin: Turkey’s opposition foreign policy promises gradual departure from Erdogan’s

Source:Al Monitor Date:15Apr2023

The Foreign Ministry — which has lost much influence, with foreign policy becoming increasingly personalized — will regain its institutional weight in policy- and decision-making, the document

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Interview with Chief Erdoğan Adviser: “Our Friends in the West Are Acting as if We Are an Occupying Power”

Source:Der Spiegel Date:09Oct2021

Der Spiegel  interview with Erdogan’s chief foreign policy guru Mr Kalin reveals how Ankara naively expects its former adversaries to forget the past and make friends with Turkey:  

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Recep Tayyip Erdogan meets his match in Biden and Putin

Source:Financial Times Date:09Oct2021

A decent article listing Erdogan’s troubles in foreign policy. Erdogan’s rhetorical barbs against the Americans play well to his fans at home but cannot mask the intrinsic intractability of

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While America counts its votes, Erdogan advances his agenda

Source:al Monitor Date:08Nov2020

Erdogan has launched Turkey on an increasingly assertive and independent regional posture. Unlike Americans on the right and left, the concept of “endless wars” doesn’t register for

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Erdogan says Turkey restarted energy exploration in east Mediterranean

Source:Yahoo News Date:08Aug2020

Tensions rising in East Med   “We have started drilling work again,” Erdogan told reporters after participating in Friday prayers at the Hagia Sophia mosque. “We

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Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan says he will send troops to Libya as proxy war fears mount

Source:Yahoo News Date:28Dec2019

Turkey could send troops to support Libya’s embattled UN-backed government as early as next month, President Tayyip Erdogan declared on Thursday, in a move that will fuel fears that the

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Turkey’s Grand Plans for Middle East Primacy

Source:The National Interest Date:22Dec2019

A thorugh analysis of Turkey’s regional policy steps and the strategy underneath.  Also, sympathetic to Turkish view.  Yet, this author must remind the readers that Imperial Overreach has

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