Talking Turkey, Islamism, and Genocide on Capitol Hill
Source:Middle East Forum Date:17Dec2019
Editor’s Note: I dopn’t agree with the discourse and conclusions, but this article is a jewel to demonstrate how the American policy debate about Turkey is proceeding. I wish the strategists for the government in Ankara would read this and take precautions.
Note the conclusive no-caveats opening statement:
The discussion exposed a rift among American opinion and policy makers regarding the depth and duration of Turkey’s antipathy toward the West. In his opening remarks, MEF’s president Daniel Pipes noted that Erdoğan’s reign initially sparked debate over Turkey’s trustworthiness as an ally. Its ceaseless belligerence toward former friends ended that dispute; today’s principal arguments surround the causes and likely duration of Turkey’s transformation from the pillar of NATO’s southeastern flank to a newfound “Thuringian bulge” into the soft underbelly of Europe.