Too early to bet on improved EU-Turkey relations


Rumors of a visa waiver for Turks traveling EU was shot down by the head of the European Union Delegation to Turkey, Christian Berger, who stated that the issue of granting visa-free travel to Turkish citizens is “a legally complex issue.” He added that  “All these issues will be discussed in Varna on March 26,” Berger added, referring to the EU leaders’ summit in Varna, Bulgaria, which President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is also attend.


German Chancelor Merkel wowed closer dialogue with Turkey, but according to the coalition  protocol:

But they stressed that no new chapter would be opened in Turkey’s EU membership talks unless Ankara achieves progress in addressing EU criticisms on issues such as democracy, the rule of law, and human rights.

The coalition document argued that Ankara’s expectations for an updated EU-Turkey Customs Union and visa-free travel to Europe would depend on Ankara’s steps to meet its obligations.