Turkey: US Consulate employee who did DEA work has trial set

Source:Star Tribune Date:02Feb2019

Turkey-US relations are once again at a critical juncture,  as a judge convicted and then released   a Turkish national working for US  consulate on charges of treason. Now, another key figure in the “politicial hostage” accusations from US is sent to trial.



A court ruled to keep Metin Topuz, a translator and fixer for the Drug Enforcement Agency, in pretrial detention until trial hearings scheduled for March 26-28, state-run Anadolu news agency reported. Topuz has been in custody since October 2017.

The court accepted a 78-page indictment alleging Topuz had “very intense contacts” with police officers who led a 2013 corruption investigation involving top government officials and their families. The indictment called him a “terror criminal.”


Also read, Turkey suspected of illicit gold trade with   Venezuela