
Gonul Tol: America must continue to make the moral case for democracy

Source:Financial Times Date:08May2024

The Biden administration might think that de-emphasising freedoms and rights in partner countries stuch as Turkey is a price it must pay to contain Russia and defend democracy. In reality, the

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Marc Champion: Turkey’s Erdogan Is Down, But Don’t Count Him Out

Source:Bloomberg Date:06Apr2024

First, like municipal elections everywhere, those in Turkey are not always reliable indicators of how people would vote for a central executive. Second, there are no national elections scheduled

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Symbolic Amplification and Suboptimal Weapons Procurement: Explaining Turkey’s S-400 Program

Source:Taylor and Francis on line Date:06Feb2024

Turkey’s 2019 acquisition of Russian S-400 missile batteries is puzzling. Despite repeated threats of sanctions by the United States, North Atlantic Treaty Organization ally Turkey purchased a

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ICC: Türkiye’s Growing Drone Exports

Source:International Crisis Group Date:22Dec2023

Low-cost and high-performing, Turkish-made armed drones are capturing an increasing share of the global market. This success comes with risks, including escalation of conflict and reputational

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EU-Turkey relations: Can they warm up despite political differences?

Source:Brussels Times Date:06Dec2023

Interesting. From the perspective of Turkey, relatively low-cost  prior conditions  for a new and expanded  Customs Union.   The facts leading to the Commission’s assessment still hold as it

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Amberin Zaman: Erdogan’s dreams of eclipsing Ataturk unfulfilled as Turkish republic turns 100

Source:al Monitor Date:28Oct2023

I lvoed it.  Erdogan has Ataturk envy!   A must read for those  who beleive Turkey is becoming more Islamic!   Yet the results of Erdogan’s attempted counter revolution — the conversion of a

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Henri Barkey: Erdogan the Survivor

Source:Foreign Affairs Date:29Aug2023

A great article by Turkey expert Henri Barkey about the state of Turko-American relations.    It correctly analyses Erdogan’s motives and weaknesses. US must adopt a new approach to deal

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Tol-Yaycioglu: Yes, Erdogan’s Rule Might Actually End This Weekend

Source:Foreign Policy Date:10May2023

Fast-forward to 2023. To win the election, Erdogan has to capture more than the 26 million votes he secured in 2018 because Turkey’s voting population has grown. His problem is that he faces a

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Investor Exodus Sees Turkish Finance Hub Open Half Empty

Source:Bloomberg Date:18Apr2023

The Istanbul Finance Center offers 1.4 million square meters of office space and is pitched by Erdogan’s inner circle as a future hub for finance in the region. To critics, the inauguration is

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Security fears rise in earthquake zone

Source:Reuters Date:12Feb2023

According to WHO, 23 mn people, including 1.4 million children may need permanent assistance as a result of earthquake damage and displacement.  Experts also warn that famine and disease await

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