A Sea Change for Turkey in Europe

Source:Carnegie Europe Date:22Jan2018

Proliferating policy disagreemtns, led by Syria compelled Ankara to seek ways to mend its broken relationship with EU. While hig-levle state visits look good “optically”, former

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Angela Merkel backs end to EU-Turkey membership talks

Source:cbcnews Date:04Sep2017

This is truly a bombshell. I don’t know if she could find the votes, but the attempt could cause some damage to markets, bank loans and  FDI.

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EU commissioner calls for new Turkey policy

Source:EUobserver Date:22Aug2017

While the statement is vague, it  could herald a tougher approach towards Turkey: EU enlargement commissioner Johannes Hahn has called for a change of course for the EU on Turkey’s

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Brussels talks fail to ease EU-Turkey tensions

Source:Financial Times Date:26Jul2017

The meeting between Federica Mogherini, EU foreign policy chief, Johannes Hahn, European commissioner in charge of Turkey’s stalled EU membership bid, Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, Turkish foreign minister,

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Views from the capitals: What to do about Turkey?

Source:European Council on Foreign Relations Date:23May2017

This is a definitive survey of what EU capitols think about Erdogan and the future of Turkey-EU relationship. The good news is that unilateral suspension of accession is not in the cards. The bad

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