Former Turkish Prime Minister Forms Party in Challenge to Erdogan

Source:New York Times Date:14Dec2019

Ahmet Davutoglu, once Mr. Erdogan’s closest ally, served under him as foreign minister and then prime minister until 2016. His break with the Turkish president represents a direct challenge as

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Turkey’s ruling party promises resignations, big changes to rejuvenate its ranks

Source:Ahval News Date:11Nov2019

Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) is set for a period of renewal with sweeping changes to the party’s organisations and resignations likely, AKP Deputy Chairman Erkan Kandemir

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Domestic politics, Idlib sway timing of Turkey’s Syrian operation

Source:al Monitor Date:13Oct2019

Across Turkey and in big cities in particular, most of the Syrian refugees live in close proximity to AKP voters, either in the same neighborhoods or adjoining ones. Under the impact of the

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Is Ali Babacan the man to finally take on Erdogan?

Source:Arab News Date:26Jul2019

(t)he challenges to Erdogan are beginning to pile up. Some he can shrug off, others, such as the economic hardship squeezing many of Turkey’s 80 million residents, are much more complex. The

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Erdoğan’s control over Turkey is ending – what comes next?

Source:The Conversation Date:13Jul2019

All political movements eventually run out of steam. But Erdoğanism dramatically changed Turkey, diminishing its democracy. The crumbling of Erdoğan’s Justice and Development Party, known as AKP,

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Turkey’s President Erdogan may face a mutiny in his own party

Source:the Economist Date:08Jun2019

This article in the Economist assesses the chances of Erdogan’s rivals  if they launch new parties:   How much backing the schismatics might have among ak voters is unclear.

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New parties forming in Turkey: Babacan versus Davutoğlu

Source:Ahval News Date:02May2019

Reports suggest two former senior figures in Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) are attempting to form new parties. Ahmet Davutoğlu, a former prime minister under President Recep

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Erdogan’s Party Is Deeply Divided by Push to Redo Istanbul Election

Source:New York Times Date:27Apr2019

You are as good as your last victory in politics.  AK Party has developed visible fissures.  A re-election can turn them into cracks:   A last-ditch effort by President Recep Tayyip

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Cracks Are Deepening in Erdoğan’s Ruling Party

Source:The Atlantic Date:25Apr2019

These moves have brought already existing divisions and discontent within the AKP to a boiling point. For years, members of the party have privately complained about their frustrations and

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Poll: AKP loses its majority

Source:Ahval News Date:24Feb2018

The survey shows that while the main opposition party, Republican Peoples’ Party (CHP) would retain its proportion of around 25 percent of the votes, the newly formed Good Party (IYI) would

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