Erdogan’s electoral setbacks unleash crackdown on opposition

Source:Financial Times Date:10Sep2019

The CHP’s Istanbul chief is not the only opposition figure to have come under pressure in recent months. Ankara’s newly elected opposition mayor, Mansur Yavas, faces an ongoing criminal case over

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Istanbul opposition leader sentenced to nearly 10 years

Source:Yahoo News Date:07Sep2019

The head of Turkey’s main opposition party in Istanbul was sentenced to nearly 10 years on Friday on a range of charges including “terrorist propaganda” and insulting President

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Have Turkey’s Elections Produced a Challenger to Erdogan? A resume of Ekrem Imamoglu

Source:Foreign Affairs Date:13Apr2019

Ayla Jean Ackley writes the first CV of the  man who delivered CHP its first major victory  in 16 years, mayor-soon-to-be-elect of Istanbul, Mr Ekrem Imamoglu   “Imamoglu doesn’t carry the

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