The Breakneck Islamization of Turkey’s Education System

Source:Gatestone Institute Date:28Oct2018

All the same, the number of “imam hatip” schools has climbed from 450 in 2002 to 4,112 in 2017. Meanwhile, there are only 302 specialized science high schools in the country. Imam

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Turkey’s place in the global league of science

Source:Hurriyet Daily News Date:08Oct2018

The answer to the question of why Turkey would never become a hig-tech society.   Yet, Erdoğan has confessed there is a problem in the “quantity/quality issue.” “I believe we have to focus

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Two serious problems of Turkey

Source:Hurriyet Daily News Date:03Aug2018

Murat Yetkin hits the bulls eye: Those two problems can be important regarding the future of the Justice and Development Party (AK Parti) government led by President Tayyip Erdoğan in future

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With more Islamic schooling, Erdogan aims to reshape Turkey

Source:Reuters Date:25Jan2018

Reuters tells the story of forced Sunnification of  Turkish youth and its sad results:   Only 18 percent of applicants from religious schools earned places on full degree courses at

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Turkey’s education system is not up to global standards: PISA director

Source:Hurriyet Daily News Date:13Nov2017

Readers of our reports will testify that we have argued  since 2012 that Turkish growth is unsustainable.  Weak capital investment, poor institutions and a decrepit education system deforming 

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In Turkey’s New Curriculum, Ataturk, Darwin and Jihad Get Face-Lifts

Source:New York Times Date:19Sep2017

I’ve resisted the temptation for long to post articles criticizing Turkey’s new school curriculum, but it seems to attract world-wide interest and very relevant in the light of OECD

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OECD’s education report on Turkey

Source:OECD Date:14Sep2017

Turkey is still last among OECD nations in educational achievement. Educational attainment is still low in Turkey: 43% of 25-64 year-olds have only achieved primary education as their highest

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