Turkey’s threat to derail Swedish and Finnish accession NATO raises the Kurdish Issue

Source:Brookings blog Date:07Jun2022

Turkey’s relations with the West will continue to be crisis-driven amid a range of ongoing tensions, including over the conflict in Libya, the eastern Mediterranean crisis, tensions with the EU

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Turkey Launches New Offensive Against PKK Rebels in Northern Iraq

Source:Voice of America Date:21Apr2022

This is a story with several sub-plots. PKK has been on the defensive in the last  couple of years. Opposition  experts claim the campaign is aimed at   appealing to Turkey’s nationalist

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Turkey’s Sinjar strikes carry stern messages to Tehran, Baghdad

Source:al Monitor Date:23Aug2021

Turkey’s back-to-back air raids in Iraq’s Yazidi region of Sinjar this week resonate as stern messages to Tehran and Baghdad as the Turkish-Iranian rivalry appears to escalate on Iraqi territory,

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Turkish-Iranian rivalry heats up over Mosul

Source:al Monitor Date:27Feb2021

Earlier this week, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif was quoted as saying that Tehran “reject[s] the Turkish military presence in Syria and Iraq and consider[s] Ankara’s

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Turkey: Bomb blast in Syria’s north kills many civilians

Source:TRT World Date:26Jul2020

At least five killed and 12 others wounded in IED blast carried by PKK/YPG terrorists in Ras al Ayn town near Turkey’s border, Turkish Defence Ministry says.

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Assessing the Fatalities in Turkey’s PKK Conflict

Source:International Crisis Group Date:23Nov2019

This report by International Crisi Group answeers the question of who is winnig the war against PKK.  The answer is not clear-cut.  But the damage to Kurds loyalty to the Republic of Turkey is

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Rockets fired from Syria injure six in southeast Turkey

Source:Hurriyet Daily News Date:23Jul2019

Hot days in Syria.  Along with rocket attacks, bomb attacks in Turkish-held Syrian territories, at a day when Syria special envoy J. Jeffreys is holding high level talks with the administration

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Conflict Between Turkey and Armed Kurdish Groups

Source:Council of Foreing Relations Date:20Jul2019

Comprehensive history of Turkey’s struggle against armed seperatist Kurdish entities and the siuation in North East Syria   If the Kurds do succeed in establishing an independent state

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Renewed Kurdish peace process in Turkey?

Source:Ahval News Date:06Jun2019

Arguably the most intriguing analysis of the day. While the Kurdish Aixs denies it, this article claims AKP may be contemplating to reinvigurate peace talks with Syrian Kurds.     SDF

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Turkey Opposition Leader Attacked by Mob at Soldier’s Funeral

Source:Bloomberg Date:21Apr2019

Turkey has became slave to a culture  of violence and  ignorance.    Congratulations, AKP.   Kilicdaroglu, chairman of the Republican People’s Party, or CHP, was punched and kicked at the

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