The High Cost of An Unpredictable Turkey

Source:Carnegie International Date:18Oct2021

A masterful analysis of Turkey’s politcial-diplomatic challenges aide from the debate about which side will win next elections. I may not agree with Marc Pierini on several of his points,

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Istanbul opposition leader sentenced to nearly 10 years

Source:Yahoo News Date:07Sep2019

The head of Turkey’s main opposition party in Istanbul was sentenced to nearly 10 years on Friday on a range of charges including “terrorist propaganda” and insulting President

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Turkey and the West: What to Expect in 2019?

Source:Carnegie Europe Date:26Jan2019

In Washington, many voices are questioning the solidity of Turkey’s Western affiliation. The massive financial scheme to help Iran circumvent U.S. sanctions against Iran, known as the Zarrab

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Turkey needs the EU; the question is how much its relationship will cost

Source:Euronews Date:08Sep2018

The key challenge for Turkey is not the form of its relationship with the EU, but the fact that it crucially needs EU markets, funds, and investment to prosper. This in turn requires the rule of

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