Iraq summons Turkey, Iran as operations against Kurdish groups continue

Source:al Monitor Date:20Jun2020

Turkey is currently conducting large ground and air campaigns in Iraq against the PKK, a Kurdish group in Turkey that fights for greater Kurdish rights and is considered a terrorist organization

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Could Turkey Moderate Iran’s Influence Over Iraq?

Source:The National Interest Date:19Feb2019

A controversial but thought-inspiring article.  The bigger question is when Ankara will realize Iran is a rival, rather than ally?   Into this muddle, Turkey is well positioned to provide a

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What is the aim of Turkey’s anti-PKK campaign in Iraq?

Source:Hurriyet Daily News Date:10Jun2018

Turkish  forces are 30 km inside Iraq, battling PKK, reports al Jazeera. Presdient Erdogan called a raid on PKK HQ in Qandil Mountains “imminent”.  Murat Yetkin of Hurriyet Daily News

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Turkey bolsters military presence in Iraqi Kurdistan

Source:Ahval News Date:02Apr2018

Turkey chooses the military option to resolce its security dilemmas.   Turkey has firmly grasped the initiative in its conflict against Kurdish forces linked to the Kurdistan Workers’ Party

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The Iraq Report: Turkey threatens to invade Iraq

Source:The New Arab Date:31Mar2018

This report explains Turkey-Baghdat relations,  PKK’s recent moves, Iraiq Kurds and the War on ISIS.  Very good background and analysis:   Although Turkish-Iraqi relations have

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PM Abadi: Iraq to prevent Kurdish fighter attacks on Turkey

Source:al Jazeera Date:28Mar2018

Erdogan’s threat to enter Shengal, if Baghdat doens’t chase away PKK seems to have resonated  in Iraqi capital and Qandil.  Was the PKK pull-out orchestrated by Washington? We

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