Erdogan rejects Turkish minister’s resignation after coronavirus lockdown criticism

Source:Reuters Date:13Apr2020

Interior Minister Soylu resigned, but bounced back to his job after a pardon by President Erdogan.  This is Turkey’s version of public officials taking responsibility for screw-ups.  

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Opinion: Coronavirus: A timeline of Turkey’s missteps

Source:Deutsche Welle Date:07Apr2020

Turkey has put more effort into containing the flow of information about COVID-19 cases than it has into containing the spread of the virus. But transparency and press freedom are crucial to

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Turkey and COVID-19: Is another Italy in the making?

Source:al Monitor Date:26Mar2020

Noted author Cengiz Candar asks the question I myself asked in a YouTube broadcast:   Until two weeks ago, Turkey looked happy and confident in evading the pandemic. Some pseudo-scientists

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